Sunday, March 11, 2012

Convert VB6 to VB.Net/C# for Free!

If you still have some left over VB6 Applications left in your organization, you will probably be glad to hear that Artinsoft (the maker of the original VB6 Upgrade Wizard included in Visual Studio) is offering a free version of their Visual Basic Upgrade Companion Tool.

You can read more about the free offer from MSDN here:

The Artinsoft direct link for the free license is here:

Unfortunately, the free version is limited to a VB6 conversion of 10,000 lines.  If your application is greater than 10,000 lines, you will need to consider purchasing a version of Visual Basic Upgrade Companion to convert your application.

Pricing information for Visual Basic Upgrade Companion is here:

Since the licensing is PER APPLICATION, the pricing for the tool may get out of hand very quickly depending on the number of applications you need to convert.

Another potential conversion alternative is VB Migration Partner.
Unfortunately, their pricing information is not available on their website, thus making it difficult to assess how much it is going to cost without directly contacting them.


  1. Great news about vb6 to migration for free. Migration

  2. We should modernize the service. Need to change C# application. VB6 to C#
