Sunday, February 22, 2015

Google Chrome for Work

If you have downloaded Google Chrome for Work in the past, you may have noticed that they offered both a 32-bit version as well as 64-bit version of Google Chrome.

However, if you check out the latest Google Chrome for Work website, you will notice that they only offer a 32-bit version available for download:

Well, fortunately, the old website that housed both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Google Chrome is still available, however, it is buried in links across the web and not so easy to find any more:

Alternatively, you can also find the options for downloading both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Google Chrome from the main Google Chrome website here:

The advantage of the 64-bit version of Google Chrome is that it can handle more memory than the limitations imposed by the 32-bit version of Google Chrome.  Since very computers nowadays ship with a 32-bit OS, it is much more beneficial to install the 64-bit version of Google Chrome vs. the 32-bit version of Google Chrome.

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