Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Forms Authentication Login Redirection with Authentication Cookie Timeout

I was recently using a Bootstrap template that had static navigation and menu items.  Since we were using this in a _Layout Razor View and using the @RenderBody section for all of our Views, when the Forms Authentication Cookie would time out or expire, we would end up with the Login page inside of our existing _Layout page rather than completely replacing the entire _Layout view!

Well, fortunately, this was fixed through some JavaScript on our _Login view:

<script type="text/javascript">
   if ("/Account/Login")<0) 
   { = + "/Account/Login";

If you find it tedious to try and get the exact Url path in JavaScript, you can get the Paths in C# using methods such as the following:

public static string GetLocalPath(HttpContext context)
    string baseUrl = string.Empty;
    baseUrl = string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", context.Request.Url.Scheme, context.Request.Url.Authority, context.Request.Url.LocalPath);
    return baseUrl;
public static string GetFQDN(HttpContext context)
    string baseUrl = string.Empty;
    baseUrl = context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
    return baseUrl;

Then you can assign these values in JavaScript using the following code:

var loginPath = "@UrlHelpers.GetLocalPath(HttpContext.Current)";
var currentPath = "@UrlHelpers.GetFQDN(HttpContext.Current)";

Then your JavaScript just becomes the following:

<script type="text/javascript">
    if ("/Account/Login")<0) 
    { = loginPath;

That is all there is to it!!

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