Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Unable to publish NuGet packages to local NuGet server

I recently set up my own NuGet server based on this article:

However, once I attempted to publish my NuGet packages, I received one error after the other:

After changing the Url slightly, I got this new error message:

When I ran the NuGet push command, I got a different error message:

In the end, I could not get the NuGet publish feature to work no matter what I tried, but fortunately I came across this article:

As it turns out, I needed to do 2 things:

  1. Make sure that my Url was in the following format: https://localhost/nuget (removing the extra /nuget from the end of the Url)
  2. I also needed to make sure I added security privileges to the NuGet folder!

To add security privileges, I did the following:

  1. Opened up IIS Manager and right-clicked on the NuGet application
  2. Opened up the Edit Permissions dialog
  3. Clicked on the Security tab
  4. Granted Modify/Full Control to both IUSR and IIS_IUSRS
  5. Clicked OK

That did the trick for me and I was able to successfully push my NuGet packages to my server!

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